British Carrriagedriving Gateway Competition
Sunday 16th June 2024 Venue: Poltimore Park, Exeter EX4 0AU
Sunday 11th August 2024 Venue: Hayes Barton, Jacbostowe, EX20 3RJ by kind permission of Mike & Di Stamp
Classes: Gateway Newcomers
Gateway Allcomers (for drivers who have competed at BC Intermediate or above)
Gateway multiples
Club Class – nominate your BC Dressage test
D&C Class – Dressage and Cones only
Small ponies (VSE) under 10.2hh welcome
Dressage test will be BC Gateway compulsory shapes. There will be a maximum of 14 sets of cones and 2 obstacles to be driven twice.
Vehicle widths minimum 125cm. Marathon dress for whole competition.
Hard hats to be worn for all phases of the competition and body protectors to be worn for driving obstacles.
All drivers under 18 must have attained their 8th birthday before the event and must be accompanied by an adult and wear a body protector at all time on the carriage. All drivers must have passed the BC new driver assessment.
Hayes Barton – additional option to drive farm tracks – 2K or 4K route
Entry fee: £40 GWHC Club and BC members, £50 for non members
British Carriagedriving rules on Gateway class and GWHC competition rules apply. These can be found on BC & GWHC websites. / 07790 752829